Thread: Utility Sprite Editing Tutorial
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Old April 18th, 2009, 07:31 AM

DaveCG DaveCG is offline
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Default Re: Sprite Editing Tutorial

Well, looks like this is it, the last sprites for now anyway, crits as are always welcome and after I finish off the last 30% or so of the .dm file I'll put my thread up, like I said before thanks for all the help guys, looking forward to your input when the nation needs balance and all that jazz.

A is the sorceress unit, just a nice happy recolour for her nothing major yet.

B is the black spider unit, a scout with a blowpipe, I think I need to lighten him up alittle, he's kinda dark...well they're all 'dark' but you know what I mean.

C is the assassin, I was thinking about making him a multihero, like the spider he's too dark I think.

D is the afro hero, sporting a gi and the number 2 headband, along with a bad mofo afro and jazz, I really liked how this one turned out, the only downside is I got lazy with the attack sprite, once I'm more confident I'll be coming back to this one.

E is the white elephant I was on about, I still haven't heard back off juzzi but once I do I'll add it in, chances are he's going to be a summon of somekind.

Anyway, thanks in advance for any and all crit/comment/etc guys!
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Name:	lastones.jpeg
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