I don't think I asked my question very well, although these answers have opened up another whole train of thought.
1. If I am in Province #11 (an enemy provinve in stealth mose) and a battle takes place in province #12 with that same enemy.
Province 11 is the only place my opponent can retreat to...
I would suppose (if my thinking is correct) that because I am in stealth mode he CAN retreat into 11 without battle from me.
2. Same scenario...HOWEVER I attack province 11 at the same time I attack province 12.
I WIN in province 11 (so now I own it) I ALSO win in province 12.
As 11 is the only place before the battle he could retreat to...
Is his army in 12 destroyed (as I now OWN #11) OR Do I have to fight him agian that same turn with my troops in province 11?
my thought is that since I did not OWN #11 BEFORE any battles took place , my troops in 11 would have to fight 2 battles as heis retreating troops would go into 11.
AND if I won that second battle he could continue to retreat right past me (if any troops are left) into friendly lands.
I hope this makes sense to someone..LOL