Originally Posted by duncanshriek
Wow, a direct link to me! I suddenly feel all special
And what have I let myself in for here

I thought I was just going to be the steward in charge of putting up a last ditch defence for lizard kind in a few lonely provinces. But it appears I've jumped straight into the initial stages of a full blow-out endgame war. Oh well
The one king is gone, has fled from his land,
but fear not lizard kind, help is at hand.
The reports all read bleak, and morale at a low,
but rise shall we now, to land a fearsome blow.
Yes our blood may be cold, and the lands steaming hot,
but to our dieing day, be oppressed shall we not.
So out with the old, and in with the new,
lets go bag ourselves a Tart trophy, or two