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Old April 19th, 2009, 05:54 PM

Lurker_at_Threshold Lurker_at_Threshold is offline
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Default Re: Any Machaka love?

Originally Posted by Aezeal View Post
I'd personally go for a magic experiment gone wrong creating driders/spider centaurs and who then take over and give the spiders a more holy position. a few recruitable spiders which are sacred. I think entering giants (giants AGAIN???) would just dilute the still underused spider theme . MORE SPIDERS!!!! --> ow this chain of events would make this story LA.. of course it could be turned around and be made in EA (would fit dom 3 better even.. more magical in EA fading that out as the ages pass.
But outside of Anansi, which surprisingly isn't included for Machaka, spiders aren't all that well represented in African mythology whereas animism and lesser deities are. Secondly they weren't so much giants as elemental, animal headed quasi deities (that animism again) MA Machaka is definitely the time and place to do a spider cult given the dominance of the spider transforming black sorcerers. This definitely should be reflected in the conjuration tree, summonable riderless black hunters with improved magic resistance, smaller death poison baring spiders, your recommended driders (the most favored bane spiders perhaps), elephant sized giant spiders with multiple web shots and trample, and magically potent divine spiders who are the black sorcerer's true masters. Given that MA Machaka is slightly on the evil side and is based loosely on west africa, it should have Soumaoro as a national hero given that he is a wicked pagan sorcerer king who sits on a chair lined with the flayed skins of vanquished kings (incidentally also a great black smith) that is ultimately defeated by sundiata who creates the empire of Mali and brings islam to west africa while permitting its coexistence with animism
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