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Old April 19th, 2009, 09:10 PM

DaveCG DaveCG is offline
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Default Re: Any Machaka love?

Originally Posted by Endoperez View Post
Originally Posted by DaveCG View Post
More on topic, I don't think I've seen anything for MA Machaka other than endoperez god spider pretender, which is totally awesome.
Thanks, although I'm not so sure about the awesome, what it with being a very early proof-of-concept.

Our best bet would probably be to get Kristoffer to play the EA Machaka mod, and then get inspired to play little MA Machaka, and then decide that they're due for an update. That, or kidnap him and send him to Africa for his summer holiday. Without sun protectors and with a laptop, so that he'll get burned and will have to stay indoors. We might also have to give him few hints, such as making Indian gurus ride into town on giant, mind-controlled spiders that eat the people and his breakfast, so that he gets that Enslaved black spiders are Not Good.
This, one thousand times this for sure, I've got some money saved, and I'm only over in the uk, hmm, properly not wise to talk about kidnapping KO on his forum, quickly, to the hidden forum!
-dun dun dun dun dun daaa daaaaaaa-
On less silly note it is a shame Machaka seem to have been forgotten, mind you I have no idea why I care, it not like I even like them that much, I hate spiders for a start, it's just you know, support the underdog and all that personally I'm just biding my time until I make some MA welsh druids, mwuahah-etc.

Thanks for the reading suggestion Lurker, I'll be sure to look at it, I'm basically looking to made the EA mod have at least something that doesn't come off as "And this is a lion, and this is a lion and hey, guess what? that's a lion too." although I'm going into the starting roots of the cult with ther...hang on, I'll stop being lazy and try to get the .dm finished by wednesday and you'll see, it'll need balance and spell checking and suggestions galore but at least it'll be out there, and it has to be wednesday for after that I get my mindless giant robot fighting fix, oh the joy of gundam...

Hey Aezeal how'd you feel about a gundam nation for dom3000 ahhh, there goes the rest of my free time.
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