Thread: Tip Ba'al and Unrest
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Old April 20th, 2009, 12:12 AM

chrispedersen chrispedersen is offline
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Default Re: Ba'al and Unrest

Ashdod has nowhere NEAR the quickest research.

Ashdod has the same advantage of EA-Niefle - that the SC's can be used as mages or as researchers.

But they are still 500 gp (sacred) for 9 RP, or 200ns for 6
Compare to, oh say, Bogarus 250 gp for 12. or 160 for 8.

Compare to EA-Arco 400 gp sacred for 9, or 150ns ??? for 5.

Theres a *lot* of nations that are faster than ashdod in research.
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