Originally Posted by Zeldor
Didn't follow the discussion here, but that mod looks interesting. I am tempted now to make some Enhanced Gameplay Mod, with some stuff, including your mod, banned spells, magic site pack, removal of gem-making items, some other summons [for F/W mostly, by Zlefin]. I have some doubts about balance on some spells though:
Sounds good.
Originally Posted by Zeldor
- Terrible Visage: it adds it on 3 units, right? If so, it may be not too big, but fear+0 is quite powerful if massed [will it work on archers too?]
Yeah three units, 1 more for each level of air past 2. It could be strong but that fatiguecost 50 is pretty high. It is just like regular fear, it reduces the morale of nearby units so it's not that effective on archers. Air/Death mages are pretty rare too.
Originally Posted by Zeldor
- Blessing of the Desert Wind: that AoE+ won't be too strong? any nations can get over 1 AoE on that? it's really low and powerful spell, and sounds like quite easy to put on big groups of archers [don't know any A/F mages though]
The AoE is 1 for each level of fire. MA marignon has 25% chance get F3A1 grand master, but I can't think of any else. Fire/Air is the suckiest path combo in dominions, ever. This spells highest cost is one of opportunity. You need to have a lot of high power mages to cover large amounts (50+) archers. The buffing is not instantaneous (you can't cover your whole army in turn 1, like with Flaming arrows + wind guide) and costs scripted mage turns. No forgeable items, and just 1 medicore combat spell.
Originally Posted by Zeldor
- Soulfire: that sounds very very nasty, that will own enemy armies [even if you lose your troops too fast, I'd imagine hordes of militia with some nations that have mages to spam it [in communion to reduce fatigue]]
Yeah, it's nasty. Althought militia isn't probably the best option for buffing (weakness to missiles, combat spells). This spell mostly makes your chaff beat yuor opponents chaff. They'll be just as weak to mages as before. Fire resistant and medicore mr thugs can basically ignore the buffs.(astral shield is just plain mr roll, so mr >15 is basically immunity)
Originally Posted by Zeldor
- Traveller's Curse: afaik Curse of Stones is bugged and affects both sides, so making minor version of that may be not a great idea [and will it work?]
It works. I have tested every spell manually. The spell Curse of Stones might be bugged (is it really? I could easily fix it by modding, could be a good addition to cbm), but effect isn't.
Originally Posted by Zeldor
- Shield of Heavens: good spell, but AoE can make it too strong
Remember that shock body also does damage to you when it activates! This spell basically creates kamikaze soldiers, so you're basically just trading your troops to your opponent's on 1 to 1 basis. (unless they have shock res. Caelum? But it lacks S/A mages). This reminds me that I need to state this in the in-game description.
Originally Posted by Zeldor
- Brain Freeze: shouldn't be MR++ instead of MR+? especially with AoE... [imagine hordes of TC masters of the way spamming it, reverse communion]
You're probably right. Not that effective, but good to force spam insane amounts of mr-checks. (It really doesn't matter if the guy fails the feeblemind or paralyze check, he's boned anyways, especially with feeblemind

Originally Posted by Zeldor
I could use it for Preponderance 2, to get some real-game testing. IT will be some time till it starts though.
Oh, sweet. I'm also starting a small (8players) game by the end of the month.