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Old April 21st, 2009, 08:21 AM
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Default Re: Lychantrops' amulet effects on national heroes

Originally Posted by Il Magno View Post
Just a question:

is the amulet capable to transform national or evocated characters?

Originally Posted by Il Magno View Post
Actually I am testing it on a Sleeper, Dryad and white centaur ierophant, in a solo game
Be careful if you place it on a creature with magic or particular traits you like. IIRC, this item doesn't just change the creature type to be a Skinshifter, it actually *replaces* the unit with a Skinshifter unit (overwriting all of said magic + special attributes, etc.)

That said, I'm not sure if *all* units can be affected by it. There was a thread a while back where someone suggested placing it on a Giant Squid pretender for an underwater nation, and the poster claimed that they'd never encountered a transformation due to the amulet in that case.

Has anyone ever investigated whether

1) Are pretenders immune?
2) Are underwater units in general immune?
3) Are any other categories or specific units immune?
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