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Old April 21st, 2009, 10:55 AM

Redeyes Redeyes is offline
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Default Re: Suggestions for MA Ermor and Ulm

The Malediction is described as(from the LA Ulm description): "During the Night of Treason a great Malediction was placed upon the kingdom. The forests became dark and hostile. Wolves and creatures even worse stalked the land."

The Vampire Count's description says:
"During the Malediction, evil was let loose in the kingdom. The hunger that the evil aroused resulted in cannibalism and practices even worse."

The Ghoul Baron hero goes into a more detailed account of the event:
"Ulrich Patrifagus was the son of a Baron and Castellan of the Keep of Ulm. During the civil war, his father died and Ulrich inherited his father's title. Soon thereafter, the keep was besieged.

Though inexperienced, he kept his vigil and defend his Keep day and Night until the Malediction hit his starving army. When they sky turned black, he despaired and opened his father's tomb to ask for advice, but the Unholy Hunger struck him, and in utter horror he found himself feasting upon his father's decaying corpse.

Realizing what he had done, he relinquished his remaining sanity and commanded his starving soldiers to feed upon their dead comrades. Those who had the strength to refuse the order were slaughtered and eaten by soldiers of lesser moral stature. Ulrich still commands the Ghoul Guardians and can arouse the Hunger in humans by forcing them to feed upon another."

The Malediction seems tied to the civil war scenario. If nothing else, you might have noticed that there is already a spell called "arouse hunger". One could imagine that the Malediction is a global version of the same spell.

As you won't ever see an Ulm Civil War when playing as MA (or you are in a particular Multiplayer game ) the Malediction should probably only be available to La, the spell hasn't been created yet in the Ma.

A high level blood spell working like Illwinter might be interesting.

Last edited by Redeyes; April 21st, 2009 at 11:06 AM..
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