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Old April 21st, 2009, 11:39 AM
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Default Re: CPCS v. 0.4 - adds 46 new spells.

I gave this some more thought (I posted the above text in 15 minutes before I had to go to work, which shows in the grammar) and you raise some very good concerns. Since the "too weak" option is always better that "too strong", I'm probably going to these changes:

Terrible Visage -> targets eiter AoE:1 (non-scaling, makes this better on humans) or NoE:2+ (1 less than before)

Blessing of the Desert Wind: I seriously think that this is fine. Air/Fire is just so sucky that it deserves some goodies. (see also: Winds of Summer)

Soulfire -> I thought about this and it would probably be thematical if the targets were somehow fatigued by their burning soul flame. I'll probably remove the fire resistance effect so that: 1) the targets will fatigue out eventually from the heat aura, 2) then the spell won't give any more resistance to combat magic, which is the best way to deal with something with damage auras.

Traveller's Curse -> I admit, I was babying this a bit. I just find the idea of a supercombanant defeated by mud extremely funny. But why should a tartarian get defeated by the curse, since they don't get tired by anything? It doesn't make sense. I'll probably make it E1W1, with AoE:1+, lower level spell which causes Earth Grip + Slime. Should be nice against elite/sacred troops (halved att & def? Congratulations, you're now chaff!)

Shield of Heavens: I think that this is fine. I'll have to alter the theme thought. It's not really a "shield", more like "walking disposable lighting dispenser"

Brain Freeze -> I'll go with Zeldor's suggestion about making both effects mr easily negates.

I'm probably making a new version this weekend after I see if this discussion bears any more fruit. I'm worried about some spells being too weak. Any thoughts on these?

----- 2A1E Fall Winds - Fall is the time of harvest and labour and marks the need to prepare both physically and mentally for the long hard winter. Str boost + some frost resistance
Ench lev 4, R:20+, AoE:5+, NoE:1, Fat:50, Prec:5, UW-,UD-,ML-,IA-

---> This is kind of random. Str boost + frost res? Where is the synergy? I remeber having hard time figuring out what the "Fall" wind should do.

----- 2E1N - Shield of Gaia: The mother of all truly loves her children, and this spell manifests that love as visible protection against the natural elements (fire/frost/shcok/poison resistance 50). Undead and inanimated constructs are not her children and will not be protected.(thanks to redeyes)
Ench lev 3, R:10, Prec:5, Fat:40, AoE:2+, UW+, UD-, IA-

----- 3E2N - Gaia's Caress: The mother of all truly loves her children, and this spell manifests that love as visible protection against the natural elements (fire/frost/shcok/poison resistance 50). Undead and inanimated constructs are not her children and will not be protected.(thanks to redeyes)
Ench lev 7, R:10, Prec:5, Fat:200, NoE:3+, AoE:3+, UW+, UD-, IA-

---------> These two are made completely void by the enchanment level 9 spell (Gaia's Blessing) that has this effect as battlefield wide. On the same path combo! I really had no idea that there even was this spell in the game. These are the only spell that directly duplicate a excisting effect on a vanilla spell. I feel like I should scrap the other and try something different with the other. But what?

------- 1D1W - Baptism of Hades: In the underworld lies the stream of dead, the infamous river styx, the line between life and death. Using his dark art, the Necromancer conjures some water from this stream on his undead troops, healing them (10AP). The water will cover quite large area and any mortals struck by the water (defense resists) will wither away in mere minutes. This spell makes no difference between friend or foe, and might heal opposing undead or destroy friendly mortals if it misses.
Conj lev3, R:25+, Prec:5, Fat:30, AoE:3+, Dam:10, UW-, UD+

-------> Uber Niche?

Any ideas?
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