Well there are a few other things happening with dominion too. Silly me having just realized I have all those priests sitting around that can be blood sacrificing... I was having too much fun trying to kill them with the Ankh and get Reanimators I didnt even think about just having them blood sacrifice instead. Ive been spending all my Blood Slaves on Vampire Lords but I suppose I could just cast a Big Astral Corruption and Wait for the Dom Kill to play itself out so you cant really use the Gems you get from the Nexus. Which would also mean no more Tarts for me but Oh well.
With me having 49 temples and building 3 more this turn and setting about 30 priests to start Blood Sacrificing I dont think your 5 temples will hold out for long.. Your dominion had only been holding out so far because I hadnt yet hit the 10 candle mark in all those provinces I took from LA Ermor but that is coming soon. But you have made the last few turns interesting at least. My policy had just been to contain you and to wait for Dominion to grow but you have done a pretty good job of throwing out your oppressors