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Old April 22nd, 2009, 07:26 PM

rdonj rdonj is offline
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Default Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Ranged weapon bug: Playing Dom3k and sombre's Broken Swords Jomon mod, I have noticed that some of the ranged weapons just do not work as advertised. You will see ranged units waiting 2 turns to begin using their ranged weapons, and then despite having ~40 turns of ammo will go rushing into melee after maybe 10 turns of shooting. Luckily I haven't seen that yet with sombre's mod as the crimson twins are not terribly durable, but I've seen it enough in dom3k that I'm pretty sure it would happen there as well. My best guess is that it's related to how far the ranged weapon can fire. Instead of firing at things within their range, they stand still for 2 turns. Not moving, not firing... they just sit there. Then they'll start shooting. I haven't tested thoroughly to see if they'll fire at the beginning of a battle if they're within a certain range of the enemy or not, it would be interesting to see if that changed the result any.
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