Originally Posted by Edi
Originally Posted by chrispedersen
Originally Posted by lch
They're not. They have so-called "void sanity", like a bunch of other creatures, which gives them a higher chance at being unaffected by the insanity dom effect. I'd rather change the description, if there's the need.
Yeah, I don't care either way, update the description or the effect.
Logically, creatures from from the meteor should all be immune to the void sanity. But there is a huge difference between the mages and the non mages. Ie., star-children which you would expect to be less immune than the parents are actually more immune than the mind lords.
I have never seen a starchild, the top mage, or the top priest go insane. The mind lords on the other hand go insane regularly.
Sometime when I get around to going through all the voidsanity ratings, I'll smack you over the head with them to show you what they are. Some beings have lower, some have higher, but unless the rating is 20, they're not immune. Only Void creatures and a couple of others have it at 20.
I look forward to being smacked. I don't know void sanity ratings, but I do know for game purposes, Ryllahs nonslave mages dont go crazy.
Could be because I play void lurkers with 9 astral and since they're sacred they get the +4 mr and hence make the save.. don't know. Just know the mind lords do go crazy. Often.