Originally Posted by JimMorrison
I keep wanting to try out the Pebble suit, but I hate items you can't remove - maybe I decide later I want something else?
New spell! Blobform.  Turns you into a Blob with no slots, so you can get cursed items off. Now, if only we could figure out how to change you back. o.O
Dunno about that...but you could try Transformation if the equipper also has nature magic. Lots of the animal forms don't have body slots.
Kind of an ideal sequence, but...
1) Summon Tartarian with Nature (and presumably + Earth magic too.)
2) Equip pebble suit
3) Trollification
4) Transformation (cross your fingers, repeat as necessary)
5) Rinse, repeat (if you can find another N+E tart)
Ta-da! No more shattered soul for a teeny-tiny subset of your tarts!
Actually, for Nature + Death mages, Transformation to get rid of unwanted equipment + Twiceborn to re-appear as a Wight mage can be semi-viable (ok, not really, but fun to consider), at least in CBM where Transformation's not insanely expensive.
(whoops, looks like I veered a bit off topic...)