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Old April 23rd, 2009, 02:50 PM

MaxWilson MaxWilson is offline
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Default Re: Beware of Ashdod

Originally Posted by Irishmafia2020 View Post
I love to play Ashdod in my epic single player games, because of their obvious advantages. I usually play with the "all-nations-mod" so I face the tougher EA/LA opponents as well. The primary drawback to Ashdod is that their units require immense resources to produce.
I love to play Ashdod in SP too, except that it's too easy. Ashdod can actually do just fine even with limited resources and supply. You just switch from consuming resources (Ahimans) to consuming gold (Zamzummites) or gems (thugged-out Zamzummites or Adonim). I'd actually say that Ashdod's biggest weakness is that their mages are gold-hungry. Unlike, say, LA C'tis, it seems as if Ashdod can easily spend even a large 4000 gp/turn budget just buying new Zamzummites for research, plus a few sacreds at the capital. It's not a large weakness though because those Zamzummite researchers are also incredible battlemages. A human might know how to rain terror right back down on you (e.g. a vampire swarm in his dominion) but the computer won't.

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