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Old April 23rd, 2009, 05:32 PM

Ornedan Ornedan is offline
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Default Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by lch View Post
"getmany" is the function used to read data in bulk, for the data structures in the game files. It sounds like the game overwrote your fatherlnd turn files, but couldn't complete the write process because they grew too big, so now they're incomplete and useless. I hope you have backups. If not, you always should make backups.
This sounds like a bug. It should be possible to avoid data loss by doing something like:
write("", fatherlnd_data)
rename("", "fatherlnd")
which should ensure that data loss can only happen due to a crash during the rename. In all other cases, either old or new state is intact and in place.
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