Originally Posted by Micah
You misunderstand, the big gun spells wouldn't be used to take down the domes, just to get one cast through (taking the dome out is incidental at that point). If your opponent has a pile of mages/boosters in a single province it can be well worth it to suck up the gem cost to lob in 5 flames from the sky. It will leave you far, far ahead in terms of economic damage. Taking out just 3 tart-casting liches (skullface, ring of sorcery, and skull staff) is 155 gems worth of gear in S and D gems (after hammers). 3 Flames from the Sky is 175 F gems, which is already a worthwhile trade. If there is a pile of mages with dwarven hammers and other boosters forging away as well you're going to clearly come out ahead.
Yes I know, I understand, just having two air domes and a astral dome changes things a bit.
For example the first flames from the sky knocks down the air dome, but gets stopped by the astral dome, that still leaves the second one both the air dome, again, and the astral dome, now if this is indeed how domes work, it's a bit advantageous.
Another example, one province with one air dome, against a province with 3 air domes facing 5 flames form the sky.
The very first flames from the sky knocks down the air dome and hits the province, and logically all the other do too, since no domes are protecting the province no more, but in the second case there are still two domes that can "possibly' stop the remaining 4 flames from the sky from completely killing everybody.