Alright, new version. I've added the in-game descriptions to the spell-list in and improved its readability.
Major changes in 0.4 -> 0.6
- Balancing changes to following: Terrible Visage, Steam Clouds, Soulfire
- Removed following spells: Traveller's Curse (Due to basic unthematicness), Call of the Herd (why use this when there are the shark spells?), Gaia's Caress (due to doupling in-game effect)
- New Spells: E/W Grip of the Marhslands, N Surge of Algae (UW only), E/N Warriors of Gaia
- Imprved grammar and spelling on numereous spells. As a example, see the new and improved description for the "Call Drowned" spell, which summons ghosts underwater.
"There is a ancient legend about a fickle trickster god who was imprisoned to underworld by Pantakrator in the early days. But there is prophecy stating that he will free himself from his prison of torment and sail against the Pantakrator on the final days. He will be sailing with a ship made from the nails of all of the men who have drowned on seas and the ship will be crewed by the same men. This means that men drowned on sea are unable to pass on to afterlife, bound to the sea till end days. None know if the legend is true, but necromancers know that underwater is especially favourable place to summon ghosts. This spell can only be cast underwater.”
EDIT: Also I'm going to start recruting for the CPCS (about 10 players) game this weekend. If you absolutely want to be in, send me an PM and I'll reserve a spot.