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Old April 25th, 2009, 02:42 AM
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ketonur ketonur is offline
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Default Re: Noobiewars. Game for noobs - recruiting

Ok, we have 8 players so i close recruiting.

My proposition is 14h turns for first 5 turns (if anybody is against it we will stay at 24h) then we will go for 24h. What do You think about it ?

I was thinking about map changin because of no fixed starting postions but i think that we could stay at current map

My last proposition are NAPs (Non Agressive Pacts). To avoid any further problems we can use them as follows:
Players who would like to sign such pact declare it on forum (write for how many turns they wont attack each other), for egsample:
'Arco and Ulm enter a Nap3 on turn 4'
then i will copy-paste it to the first post so nobody will break such agreement.
There will be secret pacts permitted also but you wont be sure if your temporaly ally wont break such agreement, and if it would happen betrayed player will not be allowed to have any charges against betrayer. This will help to keep good atmosphere at this topic

GrudgeBringer said that he will not play MA because he knows this era too much. Its a very nice from his side to give us noobs chances to play game on our experience level. I hope that our noob veterans (Redeyes with 2 games already won and Alpine Joe) are not too good because it will destroy fun of this game.

I give you 14h to post any further suggestions (map changin, hours per turn, non agressive pacts, etc) then i will start the game with such settings as i posted at 1st post.

Sorry for my english, hope its communicative, i have't use this language for years :/

Last edited by ketonur; April 25th, 2009 at 03:04 AM..
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