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Old April 25th, 2009, 03:33 PM
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PsiSoldier PsiSoldier is offline
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Default Precision on Ranged Weapons

I'm hoping someone can confirm how Precision on Ranged weapons works for me.

On the various Bows and Xbows that you can forge they each have a Precision stat on them For example Bow of War is Precision: 0 Visions Foe is Precision: 10 Banefire Xbow is Precision: 15 as a few examples

Is the Precision ammount listed on the weapon itself ADDED to the Precision of the commander firing the weapon. So thus a commander with an Eye of Aiming and a precision of 16 Firing Visions Foe would have a total precision of 26 when adding the 10 precision from the weapon itself, which would actually be 42 as any Precision over 10 is doubled. Am I correct on this or does it work in some different way that I do not see.
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