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Old April 26th, 2009, 11:58 AM

melnorjr melnorjr is offline
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Default Re: Introduce yourself!! :-)

Greetings, all. I've been playing dom3 for awhile now, but never done any multiplayer games(except with my brother) or participated here before. I've honestly spent more time modding than actually playing (some for my brother, some for me). I don't really think I'm terribly good(as a player), mainly because my brother usually beats me unless I'm using a mod of mine that is overpowered because it hasn't been balanced yet.

details about me? I'm male, 21(22 in about a week), an English major at UALR in Arkansas, currently writing a book(fantasy) and working on a rather big mod for dom3. Most people define me as a goth. I don't, though I don't object to it either. I'm very much into music - I sing, play, and am usually listening to something. Lets see...I also have autistic spectrum disorder; I used to be ashamed of it and never tell anybody, but now I don't care. Dom3 is interesting for me because its purely strategy, which is more difficult for me than say...WoW where I can learn a few basic things, then just focus and be pointlessly good. I'm also a runner (started 2 or 3 months ago) - 15+ miles a week. working it up at the moment, recently broke 7 minute mile(yay!). I have an incredibly ability to pick the stronger races/classes/whatever when I first play a game. My first game was LA ermor, and when I got tired of owning the computer in LA, I decided to play a different era, and picked EA Neifleheim with a nature/earth bless to play against my brother's Sauromatia (I actually won that game. He tried to counter me with heavy cavalry and leprosy. I'm not sure why he tried that, cause he knows better).

Me and my brother a while back decided to make our own rules/creatures for the tabletop game Warhammer, so I started inventing the world it would take place in. I brainstormed different races I could use that would have armies for this tabletop game, and after a while I decided to build the lore to it. Well, I ended up really liking this world, so I decided to write a book that takes place in it, and at the moment, I am also making a dom3 mod of it. That is my major project here at the moment. I finally registered here because I just got into sprite modding yesterday and made a few I was hoping for advice on (putting in appropriate thread).
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