Re: Introduce yourself!! :-)
Eventually I will probably do something with them. At the moment I'm rebalancing about 7 nations against one another and struggling with the magic being too strong. I'm not sure what to do with it. me and my brother have played a bit, and it tend toward it being really easy to smash people if you stick enough mages in your army. I've one nation that has summonables that can cast banefire, so i played as them, expanded in the beginning, then set my recruitable blood mages to blood hunt, 3 per province in about 5 or 6 provinces with zero taxes, then spam-summoned those banefire casting mages...and attacked his army with 86 of them and a screen of arrow-fodder and my recuirable mages casting blood burst. it took me a long time to get that many, but press fast forward and I had a banefire machine gun. Now, he could have stopped me by attacking sooner - he was letting me test out my nation - but that was silly. I am however, going to increase the cost of those guys. by a lot. At the moment I'm taking a break from gardening - am planting some roses. I have to admit though...if you tried to play like I did in an MP game, you would be killed too fast. I was pretty weak early on.