Re: OT: The might of Pen & Paper
I own WFRP core book, have only GM'ed a couple sessions though. It has both great and poor sides, I especially like the class progression where you actually take a trade and advance instead of some concept. On the poor side, all the mechanics really rub it on that you're playing a RP version of a tabletop wargame.
Just came back home from a session where we created new characters for this year's traditional summercampaign, Conan d20 by Mongoose this time. It appears promising, as it's basically DnD 3.5 edition without those damned magic users and ever prevalent magic items. Still gotta wonder whether we all end playing the second fiddle to the party's raging barbarian, but hey, at least it would be thematical this time. I DM'ed a 4th ed DnD campaign last year, it is not for the serious games but has its good sides.
Dunno about recommendations. Paranoia's always good for laughs, and actually that Finnish rpg Stalker seemed pretty interesting. Haven't played it though.