Originally Posted by Burnsaber
I'm currently fully enjoying GM'ing Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, which is a lot better system than it sounds. The writers have really succeeded on bringing the cliche-tastic warhammer world to live and it bears no liking to the other low-quality license stuff (the WoW rpg for example) out there.
You should see the books of WFRP's 1st edition then! For myself, I find 2nd ed. somewhat lacking... in spirit, maybe? I just can't put my finger on just what it lacks. In any case, 1st ed. books are worth to look up - and old Black Library novels, too!
Originally Posted by Burnsaber
But it seems that current group will eventually dissolve as we go on our separate ways to the numereous Finnish universities, so I might be picking up some new games at sometime in the future. WRFP is awesome, but one of my players will taking all the books with him and I don't have the money to replenish my library. Any recommendations for good Pen & Paper games?
If you like Rennaissance setting, 7thSea/Swashbuckling Adventures may be the thing for you, too. Legend of the 5 Rings by the same author deals with popular samurai theme (but I've lost site of their newest timeline - introducing new world-shaking events every few years seems a bit silly. I'd recommend to use setting as it was at start (1st-2nd ed. time) and then play by ear). If you'd like more epic/high fantasy, you should probably look up EarthDawn and/or Talislanta. EarthDawn is especially recommended as many elements from it were used in Dominions (Horrors particularly!). Another game which influenced Dominions was Ars Magica by Atlas Games (I'd recommend 4th edition. There is also an opinion that the 2nd one was the best of all). They also make a more light-hearted hack-and-slash called Rune. Dying Earth is also an interesting system based exclusively on Jack Vance's novels.
Currently, the guy who made 7thSea and Legend started a new project called Houses of the Blooded. It features both strong storytelling element and a smattering of strategy - believe it or not! And it's gothic as ***! I think any of his games are worth at least to look at so you may also want to see those he made in the interim.
Of other genres I can recommend Feng Shui RPG by the above-mentioned Atlas Games. If you don't know, it recreates classical Hong Kong/Chinese action movies - with a smattering of some other bordering genres... Some of White Wolves' World of Darkness products were pretty good. But there are tons of them so may not want to pursue this course without having at least a handful of others to split costs with. Forgotten Futures is a good independent system and it's mostly free iirc. It mainly deals with recreating feelings of old-school scientific romance (whose modern incarnation is steampunk!). Kults was a good game of gothic punk line. I don't remember whether they continue it still. I like FASA's Shadowrun more than Talsorian's Cyberpunk, but they are both good systems and have quite beautiful worlds.
I also like both old WEG Star Wars (d6 version, and if somebody has his hands on the Tank Girl RPG by the same authors, he/she can ask almost anything from me!) and TriTac Bureau 13 despite the systems being somewhat clanky. Of course, these are long out of print now, but if you will stamble on one of them, definitely worth to try.
That's about all I can remember at the moment. Hope it's helpful.