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Old April 27th, 2009, 12:45 PM

TheMenacer TheMenacer is offline
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Default Re: OT: The might of Pen & Paper

Originally Posted by Burnsaber View Post
Yeah, I agree 100%. Besides, figuring out why a C'tissian Lizardman, Caelum birdman, Abyssian and a Ashdod Anakite are travelling together might be tough. Sounds more like a build-up to a joke than a PC party. Besides, most of the dom3 races won't really make good player characters. Caelumian with the ability to fly is tough to make work, but perhaps plausible. But a Jotun PC, for example? No way. If I were to make a campaign on dom3 world, it probably would be mostly about humans trying to simply survive with all this epic stuff going around
If the setting were to assume Late Age, then a lot of the whole "Wacky fantasy race" stuff wouldn't really be a problem. Even Abyssians are just tough humans with fire resistance by the late age. Also I'd probably go with a D&D 3.5 clerical domain system for the various elements of magic. Maybe each level of magic gives you a spell list that you gain more and more access to as you gain character levels as well as a couple stat perks, like the cleric domains did. So if you were to somehow start out with Water 9, you'd only have access to the first level spells in each spell list of Water Levels 1-9, and as you gained experience, you get more spells on all nine lists. This feels like it might be a little complicated though. Then again, nothing says D&D like tons of lists.
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