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Old April 28th, 2009, 04:08 PM

Ironhawk Ironhawk is offline
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Default Re: Noobs vs. Vets II: Mysterio's Revenge, EA, CBM, Game running.

Originally Posted by Illuminated One View Post
It's kind of sad that our only info about Sauro comes from a vet.
That is a bit silly, yeah. If you were curious, Sauro in a nutshell expanded really quickly but then switched to a defensive posture. Basically only been attacking me. First with hydras, which were turned back in a rather shameful fashion which probably made him overcautious. So then he built this mega Andro / Hydra army which he threw at me. On the face of it, it wasnt a terrible idea, however the Sauro player was clearly not accquainted with the incredible danger of deploying poison cloud units with non-PR units. So that offensive is likely hamstrung now too.
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