Re: Starting w/High Dominion vs. Using Temples
1. temple spread is based off of max original dominion - not modified dominion. This is general consensus, but not proven as far as I know. this can be a huge difference on how fast dominion will spread.
2. High initial dominion (9-10) will give awe to a pretender. Some fast initial expansion takes advantage of this.
3. Early game, if you are using positive scales, and have a relatively fast expansion, the ability to spread dominion can
a). Give you a + moral modifier. (Very useful for monkeys).
b). Spread your scales. For example if you are using a growth strategy, or a CBM strategy of Carrion woods, or Ashen empire's soul gate, or EA-Pangaea where pans spawn maenids in turmoil - you will want to spread your scales to maximize your free spawns, and/or economic advantage.
In other words - whats the point of paying for +3 order +3 growth if your dominion is only 1?
c. Some nations (Hinnom or Ashdod) have extremely expensive temples.
d. Water nations tend to have many land provinces adjacent to each water province. Water nations therefore need to have higher starting dominion than land nations, usually.
e. Some nations, such as mictlan, or van, may only build sacreds to the extent of their Dom score. High initial dominion is therefore required when playing a bless nation.
f. Finally, dominion can also occassionally be a useful attack. LE- Ermor, LE-Rylleh, EA-Niefle, MA-Ctis, MA Agartha all have a dominion effect (popdeath, popdeath + insanity, cold, miasma, extra golem hp) which can require your opponents to counter.
g. Ok - really finally- your god and prophet will have extra hp, mr, strength etc per point of dominion. Can make a huge difference when attacking with those units.
h. And lastly, even without f, you can project your dominion to deprive an opponent of his scales, or to at least keep his dominion at bay. For example, if you are luck +3, and you project your luck onto your opponents territory - it counts as luck -3 for him.