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Old April 28th, 2009, 11:12 PM
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Burnsaber Burnsaber is offline
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Default Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.41

OK, yesterday I did a list of problematic sites. There's 19 of them, and most of them are rare + unique. Steel ovens and Mount Chining are uncommon, thought. I used the following criteria (thanks to archaeo in the dom3 IrC channel)

alt and const: max 0%
conj and blood: max 20%
others: 30%

id#	name	era	frq	mask	lvl	type	F	A	W	E	S	D	N	B	gold	res	sup	unr	exp	lab	fort	runit1		conj	alter	evo	const	ench	thau	blood
474	Ancient Forge		2	735	1	Earth				1										EPÄTOSI							20%			
481	Banefire Forge		2	735	1	Death	1					1								EPÄTOSI							20%			
475	Chamber of Changes		2	735	1	Earth				1										EPÄTOSI					20%					
477	Conjurer's Cave		2	516	3	Earth				1										EPÄTOSI				30%						
482	Crown of Darkness		2	16388	4	Death						3								EPÄTOSI									40%	
466	Gorge of Mystery		2	256	2	Astral					1									EPÄTOSI					20%					
397	Mount Chaining		1	16607	1	Blood														EPÄTOSI										40%
520	Oak of Ages		2	16607	3	Nature														EPÄTOSI								50%		
637	Pool of Unhealthy Rites		2	223	2	Blood			1			1													20%					
395	Summoning Circle		2	223	3	Blood														EPÄTOSI										60%
471	Temple of the Turning Tide		2	223	1	Water			1											EPÄTOSI		529	Sea Father		20%					
696	The Basalt Forge		2	16640	2	Earth				1																	20%			
495	The Blood Rock		2	16388	3	Blood														EPÄTOSI										30%
401	The Ebony Circle		2	16607	2	Blood					1	3								TOSI		339	Sorcerer	30%						
313	The Ultimate Gateway		2	17119	3	Astral														EPÄTOSI				50%						
173	The Steel Ovens		1	17119	0	Fire										75				EPÄTOSI							20%			
455	The Water Solstice		2	16416	2	Astral			4		2									EPÄTOSI								50%		
484	Twisting Woods		2	2	1	Nature							1							EPÄTOSI					20%					
305	Village of Strange Men		2	223	1	Astral					1									EPÄTOSI					20%
I admit, it's pretty hard to read. But anyone out there is doing such a program, he can pick the names from there.
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