Thread: Globals
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Old April 28th, 2009, 11:36 PM
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Default Globals


If you have a Global up (Well of Misery) for example and I want to knock it down.

The way I understand it is that....

I can kill the caster

I can override it with another spell (or the same one) with MORE gems spent).

I can cast Dispel.

Ok....what I would liketo know is this....You have Well of Misery up and you spent 300 D gemsa to cast it.

I try and override it, but not knowing how many gems you used i try and cast it with 200 gems.

Do I lOSE my 200 gems...or can I know use the same gems next turn and add 25 to see if I can override your spell (and keep adding untill I do)?
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