Legends of Faerun - Agartha
The Story of Agartha
Prologue - "The Prophecy of One"
In the before time, during the wake of the great Nether Earth decent, the last truth prophecy of the last true seer Oracle, Telosn'rahht, was told to a devote order of sacred Readers. The passages hence scribed portray events in a foreseen time when the Ones will rejoin with the variant non-Ones that roam the surface of Outer Earth.
Through the ages this prophecy became first the told lore of all, then words of foretold lore for believers. Travelling further with time brought the prophecy into legend and on into myth. Until it again came to be the knowledge of all One, and recounted as "The Prophecy of One".
But "The Prophecy of One" did not mirror the truth prophecy spoken by Telosn'rahht. Journeys through times and minds had altered the true message, with many tellers purposely misguiding the words for their own flavour and favour. "The Prophecy of One" grew strong through a powerful sect of Oracles known as the "Order of the Inner Sun". It was through their ranks that "The Prophecy of One" first emerged, and spread rapidly with their sermons that promised "The Prophecy of One" would come to be if the Ones had "Faith in the Earth".
To have "Faith in the Earth" meant to believe unquestionably in "The Prophecy of One", and its premise that a time will come when those who command the Outer Earth will learn that the only reward a path of endless conflict can bring is to learn that the path itself must always end in constant futility. The dawning of this truth would enable the Outer Earthers to turn their labours inwards and begin advancing their minds and spirits. This enlightenment would result in the Ones of Nether Earth re-uniting with their distant Outer Earth kind through a shared level of communication and understanding, and with this unity, all Ones and non-Ones can ascend to the stars from where the immortal Gods first fell and touched the soil. All the "Order of the Inner Sun" required of its followers was to devotedly preach their words, and hold the belief that "The Prophecy of One" will be true for those who have both patience and faith.
Eons past, during which time having "Faith in the Earth" became a rule. To not believe meant to not belong, and to not belong meant not to exist. Agathan society thrived under the guidance of the "Order of the Inner Sun". For with a single belief came a unified purpose, with all Ones working as a whole in preparation for the great day of united ascension. But while time itself can bring truth, age and wisdom for all, the passing of time for the religiously faithful only leads to doubt, disillusionment and disorder. And this inevitable outcome has recently come to be in Agartha.
Due to the decreasing "Faith in the Earth" amongst the Ones, a new sect has now emerged to challenge the long accepted prophecy. Driven by the inpatient followers of "The Prophecy of One", this new order, the "Readers of Telos", claim to be direct decedents of the sacred Readers who were chosen to inscribed the very truth prophecy spoken by Telosn'rahht.
Fuelled by a restless society and armed with a simple message, the "Readers of Telos" have grown quickly in power, as followers readily convert to "The Truth of Telosn". For while "The Prophecy of One" demanded its followers have faith and patience in believing that the day of united ascension will truly arrive to the Ones, "The Truth of Telosn" promises a life amongst the immortal Gods to all Ones that follow its call, and along a path of destiny that they themselves would control as a consequence of their actions.
Soon whole legions of Ones were converting to "The Truth of Telosn", and bonding their lives with the words of the original Telosn'rahht prophecy.....................