Re: I think I might want to build a fort in this place.
+) it provides good blockage of a path of access to you by being between the mountains and water.
+) it has alot of resources in that province which are not being used by your home castle
-) You will be pulling resources from each neighboring province which overlaps 2 of the provinces feeding resources to your home castle
?) its not shown what the native units of the province is
Personally I think I would continue upward and at least take out that province up and left of you before deciding. That forest one with barbarians. Building there would still have the blockage effect, would still be able to draw on at least some of the resources of the province you are looking at, would not overlap to steal resources from the home castle. And barbarians you build there can be pretty good to fill in between maenads. Plus its a forest province and some of the highly regarded Pangaean guides recommend early focus on building in forest, especially temples.
Depending of course on what type of Pangaean strategy you are going with, and what the native units are for that province (knights or elephants plus high resources counts for more than slings with high resources)
Gandalf Parker