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Old April 29th, 2009, 11:13 AM
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Jarkko Jarkko is offline
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Default Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

Have to say this is the crappiest start I've ever had in a MP. Two bad events on first two turns, and that with a positive luck scale Anything I recruit seems to get killed before I even get out of my province, while unrest is happily rising through the roof...

"What was that noise? Somebody did attack us *again*?!"
"Yes sir. But like last month, our patrollers did handle the situation, and have proceeded with their attack orders."
"Good good, the lossees were not that bad this time then?"
"Oh, losses? Right, losses. Seems only a fraction of our attack force actually survived the onslaught... Ermm... I suppose we shall soon recieve news from the attack force then... But we have again recruited a new army! Altough the population seems to be slightly annoyed, and we can't actually recruit any more for the time being..."
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