Originally Posted by Executor
The good part is that I can finally end this game.
Well fighting your predecessor for the first 40 turns pretty much killed my game, oh and let's not forget those trolls that kept attacking my capital every 5 turns from the start, and other "nice" events that sure helped me get in this position.
And one more think, EA R'lyeh sucks so much, and is the worst water nation, and possibly the worst nation in the whole game, and I'll be damned if I take them again or any other water nation, other than random assignment.
I don't think they're super terrible. They basically suffer from the same thing that every R'yleh nation suffers from; great astral, terrible troops. LA gets the freespawn chaff. EA's troops just happen to be even worse, and the biggest kick in the pants is that their mind blasters are water only.
I don't think you can play EA R'yleh without taking a rainbow pretender, and trying to secure a small beach head on land so that you can summon up diversifying forces while relying on land recruits to round out your forces.
It took me quite a few gems to build up the force on your capital, as well as lots of planning. Those stupid poypal spawns, unless there's something I don't know about them, defend just like regular troops. I *assume* they have zero gold upkeep, but I'd have to check. If that is true, then you could easily make some unassailable underwater castles with a few of those popyal spawn producers just sitting there, pooping out chaff.