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Old April 30th, 2009, 08:34 PM

Lurker_at_Threshold Lurker_at_Threshold is offline
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Default Re: Any Machaka love?

Originally Posted by Demantiae View Post
Only thing left to decide would be how the priesthood is represented. If God Mountain was purged then some sort of inquisition would be in order. I'd keep the settup of the priests (Eyes, Ears and Mouth of the Lord) to some extent. Give the Eyes and Ears the Inquisitor bonus as they're out actively looking for corruption and threats to the faith. The Mouth of the Lord can instead have access to astral magic as they spend a lot of time communing with their god and interpreting his/her/it's commands. Maybe the king is now a priest-king and the vessel of the god? His person is chosen from amongst the ranks of the Voices and his priest abilities match theirs but he is a more powerful astral mage. Machaka could be a relatively good astral nation but a choice would need to be made about using their expensive astral priests as communion slaves or not.
How does this look for mage selection. I love your idea for reinventing the eye, ear and voice.

Spider Elder- A drider mage representing the loyalist black sorcerers who were transformed following the turmoil that preceded the rise of the new god. They would be capital only sacred, thugable commander. It has all slots minus feet and comes with 1F 1E 1D

Voice- With the fall of the Black Sorcerers, the Voice's found themselves to be the most powerful force remaining in Machaka. With the emergence of the new god, they have thrown themselves behind his worship with wild abandon, learning the mysteries needed to commune with him directly. They would be a recruitable everywhere sacred mage with 2H 1S 50%SNFE 50%SNFE. As you said, their principal role would be to form communions.

Priest Kings- The priest kings rule the great city of Timbuktu. The most magically talented Voices are sent to the capital in order to further their training. Particularly adapt in their knowledge of arcane mysteries, they direct the fate of entire tribes. Sacred capital only mage with 2H 2S 100%SNFE 100%SNFE 100%SNFE

Griot- Griots are a caste of scholars bound to serve the royal families of Machaka. They are poets, scholars, historians, storytellers and magicans, devoting entire their lives towards the service of their masters. With the rise of the priest kings, they have congregated around the great city of timbuktu with its many libraries and universities. Griots are recruit anywhere mages. They are good researchers but their magic picks are erratic and they lack astral 100% NFEA 50%NA 50%EF 50%NFEA

Witch Doctors-Your recruit anywhere death bootstrappers same as in MA
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