Thread: Gem Income?
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Old April 30th, 2009, 11:54 PM

Rysith Rysith is offline
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Default Gem Income?

So, I'm a dominions 3 newbie. I've been reading the various guides here and trying to get a sense of the different nations and their strategies, and it seems like there is something really big that I'm missing.

In many of the guides, and in general, it seems like there is access to a much larger pool of gems than I'm getting in my SP "feeling things out" games. People are talking about monthly castings of Achistic Record, teleporting half a dozen commanders about in a mid-game attack, and so on.

Late-game, when I've taken and searched most of the map, I'll have a gem incomes sometimes touching 30 per turn in the gem types that I'm focusing on. When I'm starting to go to war, I'm lucky if I have incomes of 10 per turn in the major magic paths I have. Right now, for example, I'm trying out LA Pangea (since the guide came up to the top), and I've just started engaging my first AI with nature/death income of around 7 each, despite having searched nearly all of my sites with pans. That doesn't seem like it's enough to be wildly raising carrion centaurs and things like that.

I suppose that the question is, are those normal gem incomes, and I'm trying to do too much, too quickly? Are my gem incomes stunted, and I'm doing something wrong? Have I simply had bad luck with my site searching?
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