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Old May 1st, 2009, 07:18 PM
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Globu Globu is offline
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Default Re: Glory SP map province name gaffes

Ah, okay. Thanks for the advice -- yep, I've been drawing on the name generator in SemiRandom for inspiration, though I'm not satisfied with pure random name placement because I really like regional naming (i.e. Achauron, East Achauron, Southwest... and so forth), which is really helpful in knowing my way around a big map. So, that's what I'm focusing on making. But I do quite like the GAN file content additions adding life to it -- really nice.

For the naming scheme I'm going with, accurate historical/mythological naming don't seem to be as appropriate for a fully random map (e.g., Niefelheim starting in Scythia, Mictlan in Attica, and so forth), so I'll probably stick to names taken from various other RPG sources -- Earthdawn, some of the older D&D modules, Talislanta, Harn, and so forth, as long as they fit into the scheme of the game fairly well and have a realistic feel to them. If there's any interest in it, I'll make it available to others when I'm done.

In the meantime, if anyone reading this has made a hand-named MAP file for Glory_v317, I'd love to get a hold of it! I wouldn't mind having another name scheme even if I do finish this one -- variation is always nice.


Last edited by Globu; May 1st, 2009 at 07:21 PM.. Reason: Bah, another syntactical correction
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