Originally Posted by Stretch
Has anyone discussed a Pro-Am for NvV3? 1 Vet + 1 noob per team, if we have disparate numbers of players signing up then we can do some teams with 3 noobs instead. If team A's 1st player picked first, its second player would pick last. We'd have to figure out where the teams of 3 would pick but you get the idea.
Working with skilled players in the other game I'm in has taught me a lot. Plus, no forum needed, just private messaging on this forum.
The idea has been brought up variously at times, though I've always been willing to consider it, I generally have resisted it as other games usually incorporate that idea in some fashion. I'd like to keep the game concept as pure as possible at least through NvV 3. Some argue you can learn more by playing with vets, I had argued that you can learn best by playing against them. It is debatable. There is also the thrill of facing the unknown. The concept is not for everyone, some green noobs are scared stiff of going up against legends of the game, while some vets baulk at the idea of facing 2:1 or even 3:1 odds. I do admire the bravery of all who have participated and continue to do so.