Yes, nature gems are a restriction, I mentioned it. But only if you are really going to convert fire to astral which is not always a good option. If you have uses for fire gems than comparing 2 fetishes to one clam is not correct at all.
Kappa Chief, 19.5 for 30 in CBM is the cheapest indie for the job.
Kappa chief is the best just because it recuperates.
Neverhealing wound on undead/regenerating commanders might work too, I haven't tried it though.
I tried it, it doesn't work. I understand it so that afflictions/heroic abilities/seasons(for those with season powers) affect unit's base HP, not current HP. You may see it, for example, if you cast regeneration on a unit with NHW. It will never heal to original HP.
Don't know as for prophet in enemy dominions but anyway I doubt it is a good idea.
The trick with undead w/out full hps giving you endless gems smells like an exploit to me in all honesty.
Don't see any exploit, really. It just greatly reduces your micro but doesn't give you any great advantages you couldn't get without it.
Sort of related, but when you give a commander a shroud does he also get the reduced upkeep of a sacred unit? If so, it just makes this all the sweeter.
No, he doesn't. "Sacred" and "Blessed" are different tags and it is "Sacred" tag that reduces upkeep.
Quick idea for those with a N4 pretender: Fetish a commander, wait three turns and then slap on a Shroud
Yes, it is an obvious solution if you are ok with increasing the price of each fetish by another mage/hammer turn + 3S. If you are not then Shrouds may be really useful to keep alive your mages while you're healing them.