Originally Posted by DonCorazon
Originally Posted by ano
All that being said, let's make some conclusions.
You should always think of going for fetishes when you…
- have access to them (you're surprised, I know  ! )
- are not afraid of all that micro
- plan to diversify into blood
- have access to good healers or commanders with high HP/recuperation/second shape
- have access to "Posion Cloud/Life after Death" trick
…and fetishes will greatly pay for themselves, believe me…
p.s. One minor advice on micro with fetishes: rename the commanders that you'll have to remove fetishes from the next turn or two for easier access to them later. It is often hard to remember who has many HP and who is going to die shortly. Renaming really helps here.
This sounds like an effective way to get an edge, but not very fun.
Great guide ano. Thanks for sharing this!
However - I actually second DonC here.
While I agree with the suggestions I'd probably never go that way. For me MM is a game killer, its much more likely that I'll lose interest in a game that requires lot's of MM than that I'd use this edge to actually win one. That however is just a personal taste/constraint, if you have the stomach for all that MM then by all means go for it