Re: Chronicles MA
Eribon Coastal town, human settlement, 2029 Year of the Griffon
When we found Haldor, he was drenched in so much blood we thought him dead until the whites of his eyes blinked open, causing Erman to cut himself. Haldor cackled and ripped off pieces of his flesh until finally we bound the stocky fisherman in manacles.
Just that morning the burly lad had set out on his scully, blowing a kiss to Esmeralda with his gentle grin. Now she lay torn to pieces and Haldor a gibbering lunatic. No one in Eribon had ever seen such evil in those days.
Something must have happened to him out in the water, the smallfolk said, something that twisted his mind inside out. Would that he had but drowned and thus saved his family and spared us all the horror that was to come.
In the end though, we came to understand:
Beyond the sheltering blue sky is a horrible infinite darkness, waiting to spill forth. Beneath the gentle green waves is an endless hungering void, waiting to devour. Behind a fisherman’s smiling eyes is a fragile coil of sanity, waiting to be snapped. Beyond the gates of the Dark Citadel, is an unwitting world waiting to be conquered.