Thread: Chronicles MA
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Old May 3rd, 2009, 01:50 AM
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Default Re: Chronicles MA

Turn 3 - R'lyeh

A secret note from Olug,enslaved hydromancer

Viadra, I hope this message finds you well, I must be brief, the Illithid masters are probing the minds of all the magi cadres constantly these days looking for signs of betrayal. I am not sure when they will realize I am insulated from their intrusions while in the Chamber of the Meteorite. I should have more chances to update you in the coming months as the masters are sending me out to uncover the ancient sources of aquatic vis to the west.

You should know the armies of R’lyeh are on the march. In Good Water Tr’goth the Illithid Battle Lord, in the company of the preacher known as the Hooded One, overcame the ancient water magi known as Yig Goloth and his band of sea trolls. You must tell father that the forces of R’lyeh are unstoppable – the Lord of Insanity himself has left the citadel heading east – no army can stop him for he freezes his foes in a deathgrip of fear. I do not know where you can hide from them – but the waters are no longer safe.

Your loving brother, Olug

PS Any news from Atlantis – we have heard nothing from them…
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