Thread: Chronicles MA
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Old May 3rd, 2009, 01:51 AM
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Default Re: Chronicles MA

Turn 4 - R'lyeh

Aesop, excerpt from Musings on the Dark Beyond, 1129

“None can say for sure the origins of the malevolent race known as the Illithid. The reknowned physician-scholar Demetrius of Arcos speculated that, based on the physiology of the few cadavers he was able to examine (no Illithid has ever been captured alive) these are extra-planar beings, likely from an aquatic, frigid environment. His studies proved the Illithid are not demons as they failed to exhibit adverse reactions to certain types of blessed waters. From my own studies based on interviews with survivors from the Typhalia massacre, I believe the Illithid have some ability to paralyze their victims with terror, perhaps some form of hallucinatory mind control, as the few survivors from that horrible slaughter had almost identical ravings about a horrifying being from the so-called “Dark Beyond” something called Azag…
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