Re: Dominions 3 on Facebook?
that's because facebook is the devil
I recently tried to spice up the typical asinine wall banter (``x is so excited about the weekend''.... ``y hates mean people''... stuff like that) by providing an alternative viewpoint to a feminist friend of mine who posted on her wall that she argued vehemently against raising children with gender roles. I insisted that she was being egocentric and that for some women gender roles constitute an important part of identity, especially in the non-west were sometimes traditional gender roles are the little that some people have left of a culture now dominated by the west. therefore, arguing against gender roles as intrinsically bad is just a sort of colonization.
she retorted that I know nothing about raising children and was talking about theory that had no place in practice (while supporting herself with Judith Butler's theory, oh the irony). She told me I shouldn't talk about things I don't understand and then ``defriended'' me so I couldn't respond. How mature of her.
I think that's pretty typical of facebook. It's a place for shallow feel good networking where a person can post their banal little life details and pretend their worldview is normal and unerrantly ``good'' without being seriously challenged. That's also why its so full of christians.