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Old May 3rd, 2009, 08:39 PM
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Default Re: Fever fetish: How to use it effectively

Yes, Machaka is the fetish king race Not using fetishes with them is unwise and maybe that's one of the reasons it is considered so weak - people just don't like fetishes.
There're several others though - namely EA Ermor, Yomi, Oceania, Ulm, EA and MA Tien Chi, LA Jomon. Of these MA TC and EA Ermor have access to good healers which should (as I mentioned) be a strong argument to think of fetishes.

As for the sorcerers/sorceresses - they share the same mechanics - when they lose last HP they shapeshift and come with full health next turn and have a chance to heal afflictions in process. There's one downside though - when they come with full health they have a lesser chance to bring a gem.
Any commanders with second form will behave in the same way but nations that can recruit them don't have native access to fetishes.

p.s. As for Colossal Fetish, I don't think it is a good pretender. It is too vulnerable because it can't retreat unless it is given Astral.
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