Legends of Faerun - Agartha
The Story of Agartha
Chapter VI - "The Judgement Begins"
With the Outer Earth capital of Agartha now established at New Shamballa, attention can once more be brought to fully attuning all Ones with "The Truth of Telosn". The inevitable encounters with Outer Earth nations has been forever foretold, and is a central character in the Ones journey to united ascension. Telosn'rahht spoke of all these meetings, and has given guidance on how each nation should be judged.
Knowledge. Common knowledge. This shall be the Ones key to guidance. For without it any attempts at communication with other nations will be already fruitless. If we are to seek out our distant kin, as "The Truth of Telosn" dictates, then the first traces of our past kind in others will be seen through the discovery that they now share in our ways. For ignorance in the secrets of Death, or the elemental properties of our very Earth, brings with it no sign of promise. No ancient Ones would ever have betrayed their souls through a bonding with the ceilingless skies, nor come to hold the belief that life evolves not from the Earth, but from the power of the Unreachable Sun that bathe the surface world in living green. Little hope is held for these abnormal nations.
Early indications are good however that there will be many nations worthy of joining the Ones in united ascension. For already Agartha can claim several nations as friends, each displaying evidence of knowing that which is important to us. It is good for Agartha to meet such great nations, and to offer them access to enchanted items from the Neither Earth. The Ones are experiencing much joy at these encounters, for it is a sure sign that the predictions in the prophecy of Telosn'rahht will come to pass.
Unfortunately, an encounter has also taken place with the first nation judged as unworthy, for their ways are truly an abomination. They know nothing of importance, and instead have entwined themselves fully with a combination of all the most unnatural forces known. The "Readers of Telos" have decided that there is no hope for such 'creatures', and measures to correct their mistaken creation is already well underway................