"Roleplay off"
Think the Mictlan stales are getting critical. Not sure how the sub-hunt is going (never got into the IRC thing), but wondering whether it is actually best to set them to AI or not? Since an early AI EA/LA Mictlan just means a self inflicted dom-kill. It looks like death either way though without a human on board.
But 'viccio' may be coming back soon (he's stated on the sub-hunt thread that he currently has internet problems) so does anyone know someone who can help out for a few turns until the position becomes clearer? Can't imagine an early Mictlan turn taking more than a minute or two.
Mictlan To-do list
-Send out a priest with a group of jags.
-Recruit another priest and more jags.
-End Turn.
Surely there must be some takers for this?! Maybe one of the mighty admins can volunteer for a few turns

No obligation to stay for the long hual, since I think if you take away the dom-kill, the AI can handle Mictlan ok. Since even the auto-bot can't go far wrong with blessed jags.
Nehekhara also seem to be on the verge of a second consecutive stale
Please everyone, don't make nice Mr.Baalz dust off his disciplinarian hat