Re: Horror Marking Horrors
Oh yeah, you cn horror mark horros all right. Talk about a cluster fudge.
At war with LA Ermor using LA Mictaln. Getting my arse buttered good by and large with a few minor victories. For the last five turns I have been recruiting moon priests at my capitol. Going to unleash hooror hell on his army of three gazillion undead.
I have 30 priests, 360 jags and assorted slaves and garbage. Have my moonies scripted for (Call Horror)(Reinvig)(Call Horror) (Reinvig)(Call Horror). Got a merc astral mage casting light of the northern star to allow my two mictlan priests with an astral magic point to horror mark. One of the moonies was set to start horror marking from the get go.
The plan broke down when the first turn one horror popped out before the moonie whose job it was to mark something marked anything. So he marks the horror. In fact the entire fight all my horror marks we applied to the horrors! It was a horrorable fight let me tell you. The horrors spent the entire fight fighting each other, the four lammashatas I also summoned went right for the horrors.
Thanks to the legion of priests I won the fight with a loss of ovr 100 jags. I believe the horrors did more damage to me than the Ermorian hordes.