Thread: Magic Heavy
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Old May 5th, 2009, 07:23 PM

MaxWilson MaxWilson is offline
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Default Re: Magic Heavy

Originally Posted by Nessin View Post
I'm in the middle of learning Dominions 3 (after having the game for several months I've finally gotten around to playing it) and so far I've been sticking to fairly low magic avenues of success. So far I think I've gotten a handle on the army management aspects, site searching, and forging equipment and now I'm looking to jump into magic as a combat/offensive tool. With that in mind, I was wondering if anyone had a suggestion for a faction/race with the highest potential for magic diversity?
By "magic diversity" do you mean on recruitable-anywhere mages, or just in general? It really isn't difficult to bootstrap to several levels in most paths to forge magic items or cast rituals. Take Nature, for example. Find a province with shamans and start cranking out shamans whom you send site-searching until you find Enchantresses or Gnomes somewhere. (That gets you into Water, Air and Fire as well.) Obscuro usually finds me Sorceresses eventually.

However, I like to play on large maps, so if I want to throw around fire magic it really doesn't do any good to have the Grand Temple of the Heliophagus (or whatever it's called) clear on the other side of my empire. Some races that have good, diverse recruitable-anywhere COMBAT mages are:

* EA Ermor, strong fire/death. Enough Earth to cast E3 buffs w/ boots, E4 w/ boots + gems.
* C'tis, all ages. EA has mostly death/nature, MA has a stronger focus on water and nature and less on death, LA is death/fire. (Hello, Banefire!)
* Ashdod, strong death/earth, good fire/astral.
* LA Agartha, strong earth/death/fire.
* EA Marverni, strong earth/astral, good nature/water.
* MA Shinuyama, strong in several battle paths.
* EA Yomi, good death, fire, enough nature for Eagle Eyes. Hannyas will need skull staffs/skulls of fire but still quite good.

I'm sure there are others, but of the nations I've played I think Ashdod, Marverni and LA Agartha were the ones that gave me the highest percentage of "fun" battlefield mages. Partly that's just my biases--if I used more battlefield gems I'd probably miss having easy access to Living Clouds and Fog Warriors.

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