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Old May 5th, 2009, 11:53 PM
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PsiSoldier PsiSoldier is offline
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Talking Re: Procyon - One age - Started!

No stone Idols just a lot of black servants and Bane venom Charms.

Speaking of which... Something screwed up.. You should not have been able to mind hunt the last bunch this turn.. I had empowered one of them in Astral.. Your Mind hunters SHOULD have been feeble minded.. I dont know what happened. In fact the one that had been empowered in Astral was even mind hunted. Doesn't make sense.

I wished for a pretty special unit with Stealth that Has Astral as standard magic though so If I was ever able to use him and it doesnt appear I'll have time you shouldnt be able to mind hunt his group..

But it looks like it will be over next turn considering your capital is now under my dominion and you only have 1 candle left which is in a province belonging to me.

Too bad the Horror Seeds I planted in your Mage's will not have time to work The mage's that killed my Prophet have taken a little something something back into your capital with them this turn Not to mention your Trolls in Grandfather and their Horror seeds.
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