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Old May 6th, 2009, 06:31 AM
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Default Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

Originally Posted by Edi View Post
The map will not fix itself and I need to know about problems in order to correct them.
This is very understandable. However, as you may guess, I have had little incentive to reveal exactly *where* C'tisis on the map, because after all it is a MP game and revealing such info at this point might not be healthy.

However, once I get home, I'll PM you what I found problematic. When this game launched, I was happy as a puppy with the position that did appear so strong (yeah, it is strong, but sadly so were the surrounding indies too). Notice that not all in my case has to do with map as such only, I got a really lousy start with three nasty events. The map however is much more unforgiving than some other maps when those things happen early on; if this was a SP I would have restarted ages ago (yeah, I am such weakling no stamina to see through the bad days ).

I still think the map is nice for a SP (I am in fact RPing a SP campaign on the map). In a MP enviroment too much toughness simply may be a bit too much. I am also such a weirdo, I play games for fun. When the fun factor has for whatever reason been lost, it is very hard for me to get excited again.

The map is in general great, and it is not fair I posted above that I do not like the map. I *do* like the map, but in this particular case the map (with the random independents + the scripted ones) was enough to break my weak mind. I am certain Frozen Lama will be able to take C'tis to greatness as he will be able to start from a clean slate. I think it is way better for the game to have along somebody who is really keen instead of one whiner who is crying about all those lost possibilities gone during the first four turns.
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